Your body is

not a temple.

 It’s home.

Dragon Squat 101 is live!

A tried-and-true four-week training program
to help you master the dragon squat.


I’m Jon

  And I’m a trainer for homebodies*  

* people who don’t want to depend on the gym in order to get in shape.

Unlock your spine with this bestselling course on spinal waves.

Improve your ability to move in and around your resting squat.

Strengthen your quads, calves and feet and learn a whole new way of squatting.


You want to train.

You want to coach.

“He is the most thoughtful

  trainer I have ever met”

and other stories…

jiapei wang

Jon is, without a doubt, the best trainer I’ve ever had.

I've learned more working with Jon online in a few weeks than in years of training with other trainers in person.


kevin neglia

If you are looking for a teacher,
you have found him.

Working with Jon remotely has been my best experience, hands down, and I can't recommend him enough.

samantha emanuel

Jon’s work is like
discovering a hidden treasure.

My love for exploring, researching, and moving has been rekindled by his teaching.


A weekly newsletter

on training and coaching.